
These guys are fine. We know and we recommend



Creates an image on the web that supports your business goals.

Why Kreatik?

  • They create modern visual identifications and useful websites,
  • They build pages using the currently prevailing trends and technologies,
  • They provide constant contact and support both during creation and also after putting the project into use,
  • Timeliness is their motto,
  • All graphic designs are put into use only when the customer is fully satisfied with the result.



IT School


School IT can get you happy, if:

  • You need training and want it to be fit your needs
  • You have an idea of a IT project, but you are not sure who to ask.

IT School trained more than 9,000 people, have 7 years of experience in the market and 7 categories of training: Microsoft Office, databases, web development, project management, graphics, public speaking, and Unity. All courses are available at different levels of difficulty and take the form of workshops.

They are training professionals, analysts, assistants, managers, directors, project managers, accountants and many others. Once we even saw a priest.




PrezART mixes the business and art.

PrezART can get you happy if:

  • You need a presentation,
  • You organizing conference or event and you want someone to be a well-conducted
  • you want to say something illustratively.

PrezART inderstand the Speaker and they know what Customer needs. Once, over a beer, they explained us that the presentation does not have to be boring and full of bulleted lists, but also it does not defend by using only nice graphics.

At the beginning we did not believe, but then we saw how they do it. PrezART mixes the business and art.


Contact Us

Database Whisperers Rębecki, Rydz, Stawiarski Sp. J.
al. Jerozolimskie 200, 3rd floor, room 342
02-486 Warszawa
NIP: 5223199716
REGON: 388488080
+48 508 943 051
+48 661 966 009

The Oracle expects your inquiry.