Grzegorz Mantyka

When in the early 90. as doc. of optoelectronics, he was setting "The Internet" (fad) somewhere in the east of Poland, she couldn't know in 12 years (after working at Asseco BS), he will become a part of the coolest database whisperers team in this part of Europe. Despite his once chosen career path in SQL Server technology, he never stopped developing his Oracle skills, which he can confirm with OCP certificates and experience as old as Oracle 8 (without "i"!).

His black belt in tae kwon-do makes his clients feel safe with him.



Contact Us

Database Whisperers Rębecki, Rydz, Stawiarski Sp. J.
al. Jerozolimskie 200, 3rd floor, room 342
02-486 Warszawa
NIP: 5223199716
REGON: 388488080
+48 508 943 051
+48 661 966 009

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